Health professionals decided a long time ago that it is no longer ethically viable to financially associate with the tobacco industry while it continues to drive lung disease and premature death.
We are now starting to understand how the fossil fuel industry is also putting at risk the health of millions of people.
Slideshow presentation from Dan Sherrard-Smith to Greener Practice York and North Yorkshire
Banking and General Practice - background, practice survey results and FAQ
GP Surgery Bank Switching - Short guide written for practices to circulate internally on the process
Slides from Mothertree - Downloadable pdf of the slideshow .
Presentation by Dan Sherrard-Smith recorded for Y&NY Greener Practice group on 28th May 2024.
For use by GP practices, PCNs and Greener Practice groups.
This is not financial advice.
For use by GP practices, PCNs and Greener Practice groups.
Aim : to make the process switching of banks easier to move away from those who invest in environmentally and social harmful activities.
Recorded for Y&NY Greener Practice group on 28th May 2024. This is not financial advice.